How To Get Started

A new Quality Contacts group will focus on more than the opportunity to get referred business. A membership in Quality Contacts NY, gives you access to talented professional and business-oriented people who want to help you succeed in business.

Businessmen at Networking Event Exchanging Business Cards
We use a hybrid model that alternates between in-person meetings and virtual interactions.
Meetings run 90 minutes.

Topics Discussed During 8-to-10-week program.

Executive Team Listening to Contrary Views from Colleague

Building & Advertising in Functional Networks

To sell, you need marketing exposure. To get exposure, you need to network properly within selected networks. To get exposure you advertise yourself effectively.

Shot of a group of businesspeople working together on a laptop

Your starting point

Word of Mouth Marketing relies on selling you as the Product along with the actual product. What are the ‘phrases that pay’ you can teach us. The Do’s and Dont’s of personal advertisement and teaching your referral partners what you require.
Business people are working at desk.

Effective Follow-up and Networking

The biggest myth is that networking doesn’t work. Learn to work networking such that your goals are achieved.