Upcoming Events

Check out our next meeting or upcoming events by clicking on the calendar and let us know which event you would like to attend or if you already know which date just fill out the form that appears when you click on "Visit Our Group"

Next Meetings

9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24

Next Meetings

9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1

Large Call to Action Headline

Group 1 - Thursday 8:45-10:30am
Virtual: 1/02, 1/16, 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27

In Person: 1/09, 1/23,
**2/06** Meet & Greet, 2/20, 3/06, 3/20, 4/03

Group 2 - Friday 9am-10:30
Virtual: 1/10, 1/24, 2/07, 2/21, 3/07, 3/21, 4/04

In Person: 1/03, 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11

*4/25 Special Event

Special Events:

Thursday 2/06 Meet & Greet 8:45-10:30am

Friday 4/25 Event 8:30am-10:30am


505 Ellicott Street Buffalo, N.Y, 14203



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